Monday, May 31, 2010

Saya malas!


Saya dah jadi pemalas yang amat. Saya tidur pukul 2 pagi setiap hari dan masih menggeliat dia katil sehingga 12 tengahari. Katil saya sangat sedap. Empuk dan sejuk, seperti yang saya suka!

Saya perlu mendapatkan kerja dan mula belajar. Kelas sudah mahu mula. Haish.

Sambung tidur?

Friday, May 28, 2010

I am available and I am job hunting!

I went for 2 interviews this week and I really hope I could nail one of it, at least one of it. Everyone has been so optimist and telling me 'don't worry, you will get the job. Don't worry, you are qualified bla bla.'

The thing is, I have not been leaving in the real world for the past 15 months. I've been leaving in a small cocoon safeguarded by my parents, husband, and friends. I am scared. But hey, I am a big girl and its time to venture out. So yes, I am going to be optimist as well! So insyaAllah, I will get the job, well at least one of it. In the mean time, I will just send out more resumes!

Good night lovelies.
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

When he's feeling low

What do you do when you're husband is feeling low?
Cheer him up, make fun of yourself, ask him stupid teka teki, reminisce.
Most importantly, do not tell him that you're feeling low as well. :)

There's still 9 weeks to go. And I hope he stays strong, coz I am trying too.
I love him.

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Sunday, May 23, 2010


I miss him.
I miss my brothers.
I miss hola.
I miss my friends.
I miss everyone. :(

Friday, May 21, 2010


Kucing ni akan teman saya everytime saya di rumah since suami dah pergi bekerja. Saya pergi mana-mana pun dia nak ikut. Maybe suami saya suruh dia jaga saya? Hehe
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I miss you


Tonight are one of the nights that I miss him real bad.

Do you know how it feels waking up alone every morning, wearing his perfume so I won't forget how he smells, driving his car on my own when I am usually chauffeured around by him, running errands alone and not having him help me, going to our house and see all his things scattered around but he's not there, meeting our friends and I cannot properly answer how I feel when he's not around - please do not ask me anymore (esp when they ask 'boleh ke tahan 3 bulan?',) it actually hurts, going back to the house alone, sleeping in our bed with his only remaining unwashed shirt next to me so that I could feel as if he's there. It hurts cos I miss him badly.

But I have to be strong. I have to be supportive cos I know its even harder for him there. And I give him my full and total blessings cos that's what he does best and I am not lonely cos what I feel today, and every other day is that I miss him.

I act all cheery, chirpy and bubbly because he must not know how much it hurts as I don't want him to feel bad about leaving me here cos I love him.

And tonight I sleep a teary sleep.

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Testing testing
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Sunday, May 16, 2010


I am really sleepy. But I can't seem to sleep heh.

Here comes the rambling post again.

Oh, I miss my friends. Like really. Not the ones that come and the go and then comes again. I mean the real honest ones that sticks with me no matter what. I miss the old times. I miss my husband. Do you know its like a different whole thing between missing a husband and missing a boyfriend? Meh.

Gah. My life is sooooo dull and mundane nowadays. Its like all I do is sleep and do stupid stupid daily routines.

Did not went to the gym, did not work, did not do anything. I don't think I have been functioning properly these last few days.

I hope Monday will be a better day.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

rojak 1

I miss him. A LOT.
Corny lagi, but hello, I am allowed. He is my husband after all. :)

Anyway, today, like at the back like really really back of my head, I wondered what if I try to maintain the cafe and give it another go? Hm.

And oh, I went to the clinic and the doctor thought I was pregnant. Cute. Honestly, when it came out negative, I felt a little bit disappointed. And oh, I went there because I haven't been menstruating for four months!

The top 2 things I want to do this year is to pass all 3 papers, climb mount kinabalu and take up scuba diving. And, go to the gym regularly. It has been 3 months I think since I last went to the gym, and how I got hooked with that is another story all together. lol.

Good night lovers.

Monday, May 10, 2010

random love note

Dear blogblog,

Its different you know, being married and being in a relationship. I get to wake up to the person I love every single morning. Do something in between.
And then do things together and knowing he'd be there to accompany me. Do impromptu things like going for a movie, a karaoke session or just hanging around at the house playing games and all, make everything feels so meaningful. And then when its time to go to bed, he is going to be the last person I see, I kiss and I hold.

But not everything is easy as it seems. He has to bear with me always wanting to wake up late. He has to bear with me being a sloppy messy person. And I have to bear with him being a neat freak (he wakes up and immediately cleans the house!) I have to bear with him being fussy. But those are the things that makes him perfect. The imperfections of each other makes us feel it is the most perfect thing in the world. The imperfections made us fell for each other more and more each day.

I love you Shahnaz.

Friday, May 7, 2010

and he left.

Hey blogblog,

Last post was on February, and now its May. How time flies!

The last 3 months: Friends treat me for spa packages few weeks before the wedding yeay! Bought shoes! Hola came back for 3 days just for me and became my maid of honour. Had my solemnization at Shah Alam on Friday 19th March at around 4pm. Had my side of reception on the 20th at my house. Had his side of reception at KGPA on the 21st. All the friends that matters came. I love them to death!

Moved to our new house in Sunway on 23rd. Went for our honeymoon in Bali from the 27th to 3rd April (long I know!) Spent all weekends at both our parents house. We are basically like nomads.

In the midst of selling of the business for a very good price.

Today, he went away again. Sad. :(

Will retell allllll those things mentioned above. When I am bored.

Good night