Sunday, February 8, 2009

the believer.

Long distance relationships are not easy. It is like believing in God. Trusting Him and talking to Him when he can't even be seen. You just believe he is there. And then there's the satan who would always try to sway your faith around and make you crumble. Well, sort of.

In 2 days I will be in my first and hopefully last LDR and it makes me nervous. There are like so many 'what & how ifs' in my mind that I don't seem to have any answers to. How would it be not talking to him for few days straight when you talk for hours every night? How would it be if he's not there when you get into trouble? What if you go on a date with another guy, is that considered cheating? What if you're asleep when he calls you? The list could go on endlessly but the ultimate question is, what if either one of us has a change of heart?

So to me this thing right here is like faith. If you believe in it, then believe in it and do not be easily swayed by other influences that might ruin the relationship. In the end, like faith, it will reward you in something unimaginable to the heart. Happiness.

Hence, right now I am trying to be strong, absorbing this moment and thoughts of him so that I would not be diverted into something that could destroy everything. Right now I am trying to understand that life and love would not be exciting if its just straight path all the way. Smell the roses, hear the birds and smell the air because like a walk, love and life is an adventure.

I will always, always try to make this work.

p/s: less than 50 hours before he's going and I think his phone went kapoot because I can't get through him for the past 2 hours! Gah. I miss him, already.

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